Wednesday, March 12, 2014

a match

Within the last 5 years:

Kentucky, Indiana, Rexburg, Seattle, SLC, Brazil, Colorado, Florida, and back to Lexington.

Impermanent. My life, that is. My goal? To find stability. I like the idea, but my follow through isn't that great. I like the night time. I like painting my fingernails. I like fruit smoothies. I like being alone.

here's a silly analogy.

To light a match, you need to be firm. Swift. With purpose.
But if that same energy isn't maintained in keeping the flame, it will quickly go out. This little flame should be nurtured. Cared for.
You can throw on lighter fluid to give the illusion of a larger fire, but without providing the adequate energy source, it will go out faster than once it began.
The same goes for human relations.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

God is love.

The purpose of an animal: to reproduce, to eat, to sleep. To maintain their species. Does altruism exist within the animal kingdom? Are animals capable of selfless charity, forgiveness, or the ability to self actualize? Our bodies are made from the dust of the earth--the same matter as trees. Waters. Mountains.
Our spirits are not. What is my purpose? Is it to simply survive, like the rest of this ecosystem? This is a mere question asked, since man has searched for meaning yet, predictably no unanimous conclusion has been found.
There is abstract thought. I can love. I can sacrifice. I have the brain capacity to choose what is left, what is right, and to feel what is dark, and what is light. My purpose is greater than this world--I just know it. But my substance is (handsheadheart) limiting.
A curious mind is a melancholy one.
The desire to comprehend a tangent purpose is almost as quenching as vinegar.
We are impermanent matter, but our spirits are eternal.
A spiritual mind is a rested one.
"I think...therefore I am"
[an existential crisis.]

it's been a while

To have your heart broken is part of the human experience. To feel (the good and the bad) is to embrace life itself. It defines livelihood--the means of securing the necessities of our human experience (in this case, beyond material things).

Besides, consider the alternative to never feel at all. To feel pain is necessary.  Though, speaking from experience, it definitely sucks.