Tuesday, April 24, 2012


"When has anybody ever said, 'woah! I had a normal dream last night!' ?"
--Arthur Hatton

I had a dream last night that my home was being attacked by zombies. I was setting up barricades around the driveway, when I realized inside my garage emerged a long, reddish haired woman--zombie, of course. I looked for the nearest baseball bat and swung to save my life. After experiencing such terror, she stopped...looked at me and said, "Wait, why are you trying to kill me?"

I responded with, "Because you're trying to eat my brains!" 

Her reply was, "Why do zombies have such a ridiculous stereotype? Look, I'm not trying to kill you, I'm not trying to eat your brains, and you can trust me." 

We sat and discussed this concept for quite some time. I reached out my hand to shake hers in faith, and she took mine firmly. And we went on with our lives.

The end.

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